Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"42nd Street"

There is a very good chance that I will be in "42nd Street" this May.  To that end, I'm taking tap dance classes and this Sunday I will be starting voice lessons (both are taught by the person that runs the theatre company that will be putting on "42nd Street").  The only reason I might not be in this play is if I get a good part in "A Streetcar Named Desire", because those performance dates will conflict. 

Now, the "Streetcar" performance had pre-cast the role of Stan.  Beyond Stan, there aren't very many interesting male characters in "Streetcar".  I auditioned for two.  If I get the role of Mitch, I will likely take that offer, and not be in "42nd Street".  If I get the other role, I'll need to think about it.  If I'm offered any of the other roles, I likely will turn it down. 

The simple fact is that "42nd Street" is going to be spectacular, with some amazing dance routines and staging that will leave the audience breathless.  If I got a small part in "42nd Street", I'll still be a part of at least some of those.  If I get one of the other (much smaller) parts in "Streetcar", I'll . . . just . . . be there.  I'll say my one or two lines, and that would be that.  Sorry, in that case "42nd Street" wins. 

Of course, I'm aiming for a more significant part in "42nd Street": specifically, the director, Julian.  That means that I will close the show: I'll be on stage alone at the very end, singing the theme song.  That's going to be quite a challenge for me!  On the other hand, I don't think he does a whole lot of dancing. 

So, anyway, the other day it dawned on me.  When people talk "Broadway show", they're talking about something like "42nd Street".  For the audition, I have two monologues chosen.  One is from a gay man, from the play "Laramie Project".  The other is from a gay man, at the end of the play "Angels in America".  And here I am, shamelessly heterosexual!  Hey, I found this all rather funny! 

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